Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Copyright Notes

Matt Beitscher

·      Do I have to register wit the copyright office to be protected?
o   Usually voluntary
o   Copyright exists from moment idea is created
o   Useful in court to prove copyright infringement
·      Why should I register my work if copyright protection is automatic?
o   Recommended for some reasons:
§  Ppl like to have documentation and have it in public record
§  If registered, they may be eligible for monetary settlements in court
§  If copyright is registered within 5 years, it is evidence that can decide a case in court regarding copyright infringement.

Wacky Wednesday

Pictures from Wacky Wednesday at VHS

Friday, October 8, 2010

NY Times Article Reaction

This article just shows that some people still don’t know what is and what is not appropriate to send to other and put on the Internet. This is not only very embarrassing for the woman who sent this, Karen Owen, but for the athletes that she alleged she had slept with. I don’t understand why she never thought that this might leak out into the mainstream of the Internet. Because of the shame she had brought to the people involved and Duke University, she shouldn’t graduate with the rest of her class.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cell Phones in School

Matt Beitscher

            I agree with the writer of this article. I think that the modern abilities of the cell phone make it useful in the learning environment. The possible uses for cell phones in the classroom that were mentioned are all fantastic. Writing down notes and memorizing orations and lectures is very inefficient if you have these devices. The cell phone can record a lecture or take a picture of a blackboard full of notes for further review. This way, there is no error because the notes on the board are exactly the same as the notes in the picture. Another possible use that wasn’t mentioned is using smart phones as a reference, like a dictionary or a translator. The only problem with using the calculator is that students who need a graphing calculator can’t use their phones. 

Creative Commons License
Cell Phones in Schools by Matthew Beitscher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hi I'm Matt Beitscher. I am 15 years old and I go to Valhalla High School. I'm in 10th grade, but I came to Valhalla when i was in the 7th grade. This is my e-portfolio, where I will put all the work I do over the next three years. I like football, baseball, biking, and being with friends.